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Source: BBC Radio 4 "The Archers" Archers: 2013-04-21 Sunday http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/archers archers_20130421-1920a.mp3

You are listening to Sunday's episode of The Archers from BBC Radio 4.

Bren ...... Bren. ......

Hi, you are through to Roy Tucker.  I can't talk right now, but please leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Hi Roy.  It's Tom.  Uhm,  I don't know if you are around today, if you are,... if you are not working, that is, maybe we could meet up later, just for a chat, you know, nothing urgent. Uh, Yeah.  OK.  Bye.


Hold your arm still.

Oh, oh, oh.

I'm sorry. I'm being as careful as I can.

You are doing great.


back into

your nurse do it for you?

Ah, well,...


You'll do.

Thanks very much.



No more bleeding?

Yeah.  Just a tiny bit.

Oh good

I hope it's not getting infected.

No.  The doctor said it's clean.  Just a ... wound.

I still don't know what you thought

chasing around

Ranbo or something.

OK.  I know

should've been more careful.

Didn't it cross your mind, Neil, that these men are ... and vilans.  They are violent.

stop to think

kinda situation

not for certain

spent enough time in hospital with christopher

sit up

dig bullets out of your shoulder.

Not bullets.  No. 4 shotgun, ...

Ah well.  Right. Let's ... clean dressing on anyway.

Oh thanks.

let's do your sling

I'm not sure

really need that

Come on, arm up.

I don't know how I'm supposed to work with one arm.

Well, you should have thought

sooner, shouldn't you?

Yeah yeah yeah.

All right. ........ Neil, I'm sorry


whenever I think of what might have happened.

I know

I can't help it

still got cold all over.

So try not to.

I'm just so glad that ... ... you back again.


I can't believe it.  I can't believe you ... be so stupid.

Love, it wasn't like that.

Oh, stupid and thoughtless and mad.

Look. If you give me a chance to explain

I don't want to hear anymore.

I've had enough of your lies

I keep telling you

part of it.

not on Friday

put a stop to it

So what about the other nights? Where were you then?

what about

cash in your pocket


come from?


I couldn't say no.

Don't even bother.  I know the truth.  I don't want to hear it.

I was

all I did was hold a walkie talkie.

All those lies.  All those promises.  You are just so weak.  If someone offers you easy money you don't think, you just take it.

Elona, please.

Stealing was bad enough.  You got caught for that once and sent to prison.  Now you take money from men who fight wee dogs?

I know it was bad.  It was wrong.  I shouldn't have done it.

You know what I think? I think if anyone deserved to get shot, it was you, not Neil.


So how is the arm feeling now?


different all right, but not too bad.  I'm not supposed to

for a bit

make life easy, is it?

just looking at these

under cover

What?  Into the store?

Yes, but,...

I can

for you

now I'm here

No, Roy.  I don't mean


a few minutes.

Well, OK then.  Thanks

be great

open the door for you

that sling suits you, mate.

like a real hero

Oh come on.  No need to be so modest.  Everyone's talking about it, how brave you were.



take your photo

Just a local

surprised though



anything, really.

read the report on the whole thing


get-away car, got the number.  You are a hero, mate.

I mean, dog fighters? 


people like that

maybe not

running fast the other way.

I didn't plan to get involved. Once

police turned

stay out of the way

me and Darrell

sensible advice


broke loose, people running, shouting

car trying to drive off

get it

must have stuck a gun out of the window

how crazy is that?

I suppose he might

been trying to scare me off, but

any excuse?

No, no

but, well.  Don't say this to Suzan, but I probably do the same again.


these people ... the scum of the Earth,



a pity

never got him.

Still, they've got the rest of the gang

good chance of catching him.


Oh hello.

You are not trying to work, are you?

No, no, no no no.

No, it's OK, Suzan.  I'm watching him.

Hello Roy.

So ... husband of yours, eh?  Real hero.

Well, that's one word for it, Roy.

Suzan doesn't think it was a very sensible thing to do.

Not sensible?

Well, fair's fair, Suzan.  It's quite a brave thing he did. Aren't you a little bit proud of him?

Well,... oh, all right, yes.

So maybe it wasn't the cleverest thing to do, but,... Yeah.  Of course I'm proud of him.



No. Go away. I don't want to speak to you.

Oh come on, love.  Look, I know what I did was wrong.  Haven't I told you how sorry I am?

Sorry is not good, Darrell. It's too late for that.

could go

change things


Don't you think I

Darrell, if the police


about this now

about what you've done


with your record

no evidence, have they?

Oh, Darrell.

all they know

reported the gang


what about the man who got away?


Yes. He can't stay on the run forever.  They'll catch him in the end.  What happens then?  What's to stop him ...ing you up?

I don't know.  I,...

How could you put us all that risk?  What kind of a husband


would do a thing like that?


Thanks again for the help, Roy.

no problem

You just take care, yeah?

a lot of choice, do I?  Not



Tom again.

Oh. Right.

He left a message earlier, wants us to meet up.

business.  I was very sorry when I heard she'd left him.


From what I've heard. ... is taking it hard.

It's a bit awkward for me, caught in the middle.

Yes, I suppose, with Brenda staying

Tom's a good mate.


of course, but,...



get too involved

if I can help it.

I can't say I blame you. ......... Oh, that's Darrell.

I'll be on my way, then.

OK. I'll see you.



Hello, Darrell

is this a bad time?

what's up

Is there a problem?

I just feels like

my whole life




It's Elona she

straight off


even try to deny it.

she's not gonna tell anyone, is she?

No. She's just terrified if I get found out

prison again

could still happen, Neil.  If the police check that I've got a record, they might start to get nosy



shot me first.

Darrell, there's no use worrying about that now.  I'll stand by you.  So long as we both stick to the same story, we should be fine.


Roy.  Hi.

Oh uh,... Hiya.

Did you, uh, did you get the message?

Yeah. yeah, I'm sorry.  I meant to get back to you ... busy day.

Oh no.  Don't worry about it.

So, well,...

yeah, I was just wondering how things were, you know, with Brenda.

Well, she's, um,... ... she's ... abbie's room, you know, so,



I mean, how is she,

and calling, but she's not getting back to me.

No?  Well, she's still pretty upset, Tom.  She

much about it

dealing with it in her own way.


I know you must be suffering, mate.

Yeah. I won't pretend. It's been tough.  these last few days have been,... well,...

I keep thinking back.  What did I do?  How did I let it go so wrong? And wishing I could go back and change things


so fast, Roy.  I wasn't ready for it.

I had no idea what was coming.


you think about it, I mean,

worst time,

only get better from here.


It's gonna take a while, of course, but,...

I can't even see that far ahead, Roy. I still can't believe it's really happened. I wake up in the morning and, for a moment, I forget. All I want is to have her back again.